Monday, November 18, 2013

No One Speaks Quite Like You

Hello all,

How good is our God? A small thought.

Last night at small group we were talking about the Lost and what is our role as the church is. I love our small group because we bounce ideas off each other, learn from each other, and grow together. It's everything I love about small groups. Well we were talking and I was telling them about my fears and desires to tell people I work with, how much Jesus loves them. I feel like I have come up short in this area. I feel the weight of all of this on my shoulders and there isn't much left to do, simply because I'm out of time. Of course, me being me, I start crying, but not until after I have choked out what I wanted to say. Then in all of their encouragement, I begin to cry, silent tears. I just listen to their encouragement, and it didn't settle me. I loved listening to what they had to say, but the reality of Heaven and Hell has been so real, I couldn't be calm. I couldn't have peace knowing that people I really really care about may never spend eternity in Heaven. They said, "You can't save everybody." and cue the actual sobs, breathing hard and whatnot. Just look away. Then some sweet words, "I'm sure the way you live your life, people see Jesus."

Still no offense to these wonderful people, something wasn't sitting right, and I was still upset. I wasn't very comforted by their words. EVEN THOUGH they were good words, encouraging words, I just didn't want to hear it from them.

Then this morning, I was spending a lot of time with Jesus, well because I NEEDED to. It was wonderful just like it always is when I hang out with him. I came across this passage:

"But I thank God, who always leads us to victory. Wherever we go, God uses us to make clear what it means to know Christ. It's like a fragrance that fills the air. To God we are the aroma of Christ among those who are saved and among those who are dying. To some people we are a deadly fragrance, while to others we are life giving fragrance.  Who is qualified to tell about Christ? At least we don't go around selling an impure word of God like other. The opposite is true. As Christ's spokesmen and in God's presence, we speak the pure message that comes from God." 2nd Corinthians 2: 12-17

This is exactly what was spoken to me the night before, but the thing was missing was WHO spoke it to me.

No one speaks quite like you, God. Thank you Jesus, for the comfort and Your compassion.


Friday, November 15, 2013


Hi all,

This will be short and sweet. Mostly just a bit of thoughts being poured out. I can update those who don't know.

This past weekend Zane and I went to Atlanta. It was so stressful and so exhilarating at the same time. I guess our move hasn't felt as real as I thought it did. Driving around downtown/Midtown Atlanta all day Sunday and Monday was so exciting. And the greatest part, Zane is excited too! We found a few apartments we liked. We found one we absolutely adored, It was serious our dream apartment, but I would have to ask for my gallbladder back so I could sell it on the black market to afford paying a month's rent ;). We decided on an apartment, applied, (I had buyer's remorse), but they called me yesterday to say we were approved and were going to be sent a welcome letter today! That's so exciting!! I started dancing at work yesterday when I got the voicemail.

All the natural fears that come with moving somewhere new and very far away were very prominent. I was stressed to the max. Every prayer was always some version of "PLEASE let us find something we like and can afford." "PLEASE let us be okay with our decision." I don't know why this was such a big deal. When we decided on the apartment in Blacksburg we didn't even look at any of them. I just emailed with the lady, talk to Zane and said we'll take it. Atlanta is a different story. It's way to big to do that. Of course there are a lot more factors in this decision. So a trip was in order.

Of course, in my controlled state, I wanted this move to be just like the move to Blacksburg. I had a job offer of August of 2012; 5 months before I even moved there! Now, here we are a month away from moving and we don't have an apartment and I don't have a job. If anything this is the exact opposite of what our move to Blacksburg was like. This is scary but nice at the same time. I need to be challenged in my faith. I definitely don't lack the belief that God can provide for us, an apartment for us and a job for me, but I am lacking the belief of his timeline and will he. SO MANY things being taught to me. Trust in His timeframe. Trust in His workings. Trust in His control.

Then I begin to think who am I to discount God and all He has ever done. I am my own minister right now. Timehop, although is silly is rather good and bringing up memories of where God is faithful. I saw something I tweeted the other day, "If God fails me this time, it will be the first time." George Müller. Hello, present Vivian, listen to past Vivian. It will be the first time if God doesn't come through for us. And that is not in his nature, to disappoint, to lack, to fail. He is the fullness of Faith, Completion, Assurance, Hope, Success, Everything. He. Never. Disappoints.

Anyway, this move got me thinking, and I have a newfound sense of urgency. I think it is only the kind of urgency you are fully aware of when you have little time left. I remember this sense of urgency my last few weeks of High School, my last month or so of Auburn, and now, when I have 5 weeks left of my life here in Blacksburg. I think this one freaked me out more so than the other ones and I have no idea why. I think the past two I had some false sense of security, it may have even been a true sense of security. I was moving on to better things, just needed to tie up some loose ends. And those moments and those people in high school and college, I could see them again. And I probably will. But I was also excited about what is to come.  After High school, Auburn. After Auburn, marriage. Now I'm in Blacksburg, with not much to show for it (so it seems) and nothing really great as in it stands out(for me) in Atlanta. I felt so young in high school and college and now that I've lived in Blacksburg for 10 minutes I feel closer to 32 instead of the mere 22. I feel like I blinked in Blacksburg and now I'm moving again, and it's freaking. me. out. How is my time in Blacksburg already up? Didn't I JUST move here. Didn't I JUST get married? Didn't I JUST start my job at the gym? Didn't I JUST join a small group. Now that's all about to be gone. It's surreal.  And in a moment my life flashed before my eyes.

I don't want to grow up. I want to stay this age, with my husband. It's such a conundrum. I look forward to gray hairs and a life well lived with Zane. I look forward to children. I look forward to raising my babies and letting them see Jesus in only a way a child's innocence can. But not right now. Time moves to fast. I only have now. I only want now. I want time to slow down for goodness sakes. I want more time in Blacksburg with my friends. I want more time with my coworkers who make my day so much brighter. I don't want to blink and be five years down the road. Which is where my sense of urgency comes in. Time is moving to fast, and there is NOTHING I can do to stop it. I remember what Pastor Chris says and it rings truer in my ears now than ever before. "Heaven and Hell are a reality, and that should push you into ACTION." It's scary, and we/I need to do something about it. I am accountable to my sphere of influence.

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

Let's go change the world.


Monday, October 28, 2013

I have forgotten

Hi all,

Nothing new to report since last time. Just a small food for thought.

I have forgotten (temporarily) my dream and desires. I have gotten so caught up with work and finding a new job and a new apartment, I have forgotten everything I desire and all my dreams. And quite frankly, some amazing stuff that I could be apart of in Atlanta.

I had a conversation with a coworker today, which turned into me realizing I needed to remind myself often of my dreams. Current circumstances shouldn't hinder me from what I am passionate about.

Whatever is happening in life, and your dreams may be on the back burner, that is fine. BUT  never forget them. I have and almost cried tonight at work because of it.

One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 20:9  "But if I say, 'I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name, his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed I cannot.' " Sometimes I don't always feel this way, but as I recalled to my friend what I want to do with my life, I realized his fire is shut up in my bones. I cannot hold it in.

Dreams are a curious thing. Big dreams are a wonderful thing. I think big dreams are honoring to God. I read somewhere that said "if your dream is easily obtained, it is dishonoring to the Lord." Something along those lines. I'm thinking about my dreams right now. I am excited and nervous. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I cannot do this on my own. I need a miracle from God to accomplish the things I want to do. I'm thinking of starting a "Dream wall" or something like that. Where I can write my dreams, see them everyday, pray for them, and work hard to achieve them. I'm not sure how I would go about doing something like that, but I need to be reminded daily of the passions inside me. To fight on my knees for the broken, and the homeless, and the weak.

I'll tell you a couple of dreams I have.

- I would love to partner up with someone to help stop human trafficking. I know I am not a bust the door down, grab the people out, and rescue them kind of person. I know that I love fiercely though. I want to be behind the scenes. I want to wait for women and children, and love them back to health. I want to show them Jesus and hope. I want to hug them and be there for them when they are all alone. It happens in the U.S. and they need someone to fight for them, and then someone to love them.

- I would love to start an organization that helps families who can not have children but want to have children adopt them. From the U.S., from China, for anywhere. EVERY CHILD deserves a home. I have no idea how this will happen, but I want to give aid to families who can't afford to adopt. It is ridiculous how much money it costs to bring a child into your home, especially from out of the country. There are mothers and fathers - to be, who will be great parents one day, and I want to help them have their dream.

- I want to take hundreds of high school and college students to China. I want them to see the beauty of that land. I want them to experience the Father like they have never done before in their entire lives. I want them to see the audacious faith of the Chinese who know the Father, who are worshippers of spirit and truth.

Currently right now, I have nothing towards these goal. No money, no ideas, no contacts, nothing. All I have are my knees, my words, and my heart. Those 3 things are the basis for anything to come to fruition. On my knees, the desires of my heart come through my words as I fight for the oppressed. Right now, in Blacksburg, VA, that is taking one step closer to the dreams.

I hope to never forget again.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Public Announcement

Hello world,

Life has been rather slow. Aside from losing an organ, I should say. Recovery has been slower than I would anticipate. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so I'm not sure if it's actual pain or just annoyance. I feel like I have pulled a muscle in my stomach after running 5 miles. But besides that I feel MUCH better. I'm back coaching. I missed my kiddos.

Now here is what you all have been waiting for....

Zane got a job at Georgia Tech! We are moving to Atlanta in December and he starts work the first Monday in January! I am so proud of him. This means we will be closer to both our families and closer to the beloved Auburn. Just in time for AU gymnastics :).

Personally, I'm rather frustrated. I feel like I am at the exact same place I was a year ago. It feels a little ridiculous. But this time I have another person to think about. Last year around this time, we had an apartment already here in Blacksburg. Zane was of course living here while I was at Auburn finishing my last semester. But the thing I lacked was a job. Of course, God being who God is, showed up and came through. Which is now where I work at the gym. The Lord is faithful, that is something I have learned these 10 months (almost) of marriage.

But here we are now, no apartment in Atlanta, no job for me. Atlanta overwhelms me. There is so much opportunity there, but because there is so much, I don't even know where to begin. This is for jobs AND living situation. It's scary not having a place to live right now, and not having a job. The job I am not too worried about, although I believe I will go crazy if I don't have something to occupy my time. But I have to recall, God is faithful. Let me tell you the journey.

Zane applied for this position in hopes of going to GT this summer (2013). His professor decided that it would be better if he went in January 2014 and continued throughout the summer. It helps that his professor is also going to GT and Zane works directly under him.  Here is what I have to recall to show that God is faithful.

1. GT accepted Zane and said they would pay him. GT does not just pay people. It is a very difficult program to get into, and when Zane was accepted there for Graduate School, they didn't offer him any financial aid. But now, a yearish later, Zane is going to GT to WORK.

2. Zane gets to keep his scholarship to VT, meaning we do not have to pay out of state tuition for his 3 hour class he has to take in the Spring. Out of State is expensive.... as newlywed with not much money this is SUCH a blessing. Zane will be working half time at GT and then have his scholarship from VT.

3. In August, we told our apartment that we were leaving in January and we would like a subleaser for the Spring term. I was extremely skeptical because who would want to live in an apartment in a college town for only one semester. I was very afraid that we were going to have to pay 2 apartment rents and it stressed me out. Of course, God being who God is, and after much prayer, someone SUBLEASED FROM US. Glory Glory Glory.

That is really all I have got. But 3 things are better than none. Really all I have to do is think back to a year ago. I recall so many verses that bring me to tears thinking how wonderful and faithful God is. One I really enjoy and I think it has become my favorite because I have used it as a lifeline for more than a year now is 1st Thessalonians 5:24 "He who has called you, will remain faithful." I have to cling to that. I just have to. It gives me peace, and hope. He has remained faithful. He was faithful when we looked for an apartment in Blacksburg and found one that held out for us. He was faithful when Zane's apartment in Auburn SOLD in a short time. He was faithful when I was offered more hours at the gym. He was faithful when we found a church we like and friends we love. He was faithful when Zane got a job. He was faithful when Zane got a scholarship. He was faithful we someone rented our apartment from us. How can I doubt that he will be faithful when it comes to finding a home for us in Atlanta? How can I doubt that he will be faithful when it's time to fork over all the initial fees for said home? How can I doubt that he will be faithful when it comes to finding a job I love and am passionate about in one of the most influential cities in our Nation?

I can't. It would be dishonoring and selfish to think that.

Naturally it is scary. What we don't know is often scary. When we can't see that far ahead of us, it is scary. I think God's tenderness and mercy live in our scary places. I think in order to know God more and to see Him better, we need to venture into the unknown. I think scary places aren't so scary when we step out in faith into them, and realize God is there, smiling, and waiting with open arms.

Atlanta is a huge step for us. There is so much opportunity there, to be who Zane and I were made to be, individually and together. It's exciting. It's overwhelming. It's refreshing. I believe in Zane so much. I'm so honored to be his bride. I will follow him to the ends of the earth.

My last thoughts (and sorry I am all over the place) is a prayer and a reminder. Something I also went through last year, and hopefully I am more the wiser now than I was then.

"Teach me to number my days (left in Blacksburg), that I might gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12. I can't rush the time I have left here, and sometimes I don't want to. I love our friends. There are some of the greatest people I have ever come in contact with. It is always so fun whenever we get together. There is always laughter, and always Jesus. We all knew that our time in Blacksburg was short, and it is sad that we are leaving, but I would not trade these past 8ish months with our friends for anything. They stand by us, and Zane and I will always stand by them, whether they are in California, South Carolina, China, the Middle East, or Africa. I know we have made friends that will leave a lasting impression. (woah with the sapp).  But I can't rush this time here in Blacksburg. We are NOT in Atlanta yet, meaning we still have people to love, and a calling to fulfill in Virginia.

I think that is all for now.
Until Next time,

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I don't know about you, but I feel a lot older than 22

Hello folks,

I'm writing this from the discomfort of my couch. Day one after surgery, and many thoughts have been running through my mind. I will try to get through this. I am in and out of consciousness so bear with me :)

Surgery went great. Recovery is what the bother is. But I've been thinking. My birthday was last Friday and I turned 22. 21 was long year with many experiences that came along with it. And now that I am 22 and 5 days old, I have experienced a lot more than most people my age. I feel closer to 30 than 20. Just in the year of 21, here is what I experienced:

- I graduated college
- I got married
- I moved to a state at least 8 hours away from everyone I loved and knew no one
- I got a job(almost full time)
- Zane and I support ourselves (almost completely)
- Went through another few rounds of Physical Therapy
- Was threatened with ANOTHER surgery for my shoulder
- Trained for, ran, and completed a half marathon
- Found out that I have a 0% functioning gall bladder
- 4 days into being 22 I have a surgery that removes this organ.

I was having an epiphany. God doesn't give us anything he can't handle. I was terrified of the surgery. I was reading the bible and I had a verse that calmed me down.  "I lie down and sleep. I wake up again because the Lord supports me." Psalm 3:5. Zane laughed at me saying, "well this is literal". Whatever works. I know who supports me. Today I've been reading the bible off and on, mostly because I can't stay awake for more than 30 minutes, especially in the morning when I am feeling extra sickly.

Today I had a great one, "Those who know your name trust you, O Lord, because you have never deserted those who seek your help." Psalm 9:10.

That's it. God has never deserted me. He will never desert me. He is faithful. I know He is faithful, and I know he will hold me and heal me.

This isn't a long one, because I am nauseous. But God is so good.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fear Staredown

Hello all,

This post is going to be short. Also, sorry it has taken so long for me to update. Quick update on the Franklin life and then I'll get to what I was originally planning on writing.

-Zane leaves for CANADA in two days to speak at a conference. I am so proud of him. It will also be the first night away from him since we got married.
-We love our small group. Those girls have become something extremely special to me, and I'm so very thankful we have them.
-We live in college town during football season. It makes me miss Auburn but hate everything about football season. I work Saturday mornings and it is TERRIBLE trying to get to work on time when everyone floods to BBurg to watch dem Hokies play!
-I ran a half marathon about a month ago.
-I've been sick for a month. And this is where we will pick up.

So I've been pretty sick for a month. Just unbearable nausea. It's been miserable. I've tried to stay positive but it was hard. I laid down every night. The clothes and dishes wouldn't get done for days at a time just because I felt so terrible.  Most people thought or tried to convince me that I was pregnant. I believe them for a little bit because my nausea would NOT go away, and making me a miserable human being. Well I took 2 pregnancy test - not pregnant. The next day I scheduled a doctors appointment, this was out of control. The doctor was great, he didn't stick me with tons of needles or put me through unnecessary tests.  Luckily for me, I work with children and the stomach flu was going around, which almost guaranteed that I would receive that beautiful bug. He gave me a week. Well a week later, I was still on the edge, I still felt miserable. So Zane and I went back to the doctor. I made them give me another test, because well, I took home tests and this was the doctors, and I wanted answers. Good news, I wasn't pregnant, Bad news, they think something is really wrong with my gallbladder. They schedule me for an ultra sound (which was yesterday) it was terrible, but really cool at the same time. I mean I got to look at my organs. Hello. Awesome.

About twenty four hours later, I get a phone call with my results. I wasn't expecting much because well the doctor told me he thought that I wouldn't get anything back with the ultrasound and then I would have to take a more serious test. Well, I get the call and they tell me that the results show that I have a 0% functioning gallbladder and I need to meet with the surgeon to have it removed. Thursday 1 Vivian 0. NOT WHAT I WAS EXPECTING. Something inside my body just failed. It stopped working. And now I have to have surgery to get it removed. And I'm freaking out majorly. Not to mention I'm at work when this is happening and low and behold I start crying. Tears everywhere. I'm trying to call Zane, my mom, anyone to answer. I'm actually praying "Why?"

I try really hard not to pray a "why me?" prayer. It seems selfish. Heck it is selfish. But I was scared. This may not seem like a huge deal to you, and I guess I don't know the full extent of it, but I am(was) freaking out. HUGE fears started to creep in. For example: What if because I have to take medicine for the rest of my life for my body to function properly, I can't have children? or I can become pregnant but not carry all the way through? What if because of this it does something to a future child? Very REAL and very SCARY fears? And to be honest, I started to have staredown with my fears.

It's one of those things it felt like I was staring at them and they were staring at me. Who was going to give. All the while, I kept saying to myself, I know I trust God. I trust Jesus with everything. And I literally got done talking to my friend about Isaiah 53 and how that verse is so REAL when it comes to sickness. BUT I know God is good. I know he loves me. I know he comforts me.
Then I had this, I don't know, vision of sorts. I'm staring my fear down, and THEY GIVE FIRST. Victory is mine. I know why they gave first. It is because I have something bigger than them. SomeONE that is not afraid of sickness or surgery. Someone who is greater and stronger than any fear. In my corner, I have Jesus. He is the over-comer of Death and all things associated with it. I am such at peace and so calm (now) towards the situation, because I know who holds me in His hands. I know who protects me and heals me. I don't doubt who He is, or what He says He will do.

I'm meeting with the surgeon on Monday.

Jesus is my banner of Victory. He is my Provider. He is my Comfort and He is my Healer.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

I Married Up

Hello World,

We had a fantastic week away. It was so nice and so relaxing to get to see parents and siblings and friends. Mostly I loved spending constant amount of time with my husband. I work anywhere between 7 and 10 hours a day, on average, so I don't see him very much during the week.

We didn't get many pictures but we got a whole lot of sunburn :) on our vacation. It was really good but I'm glad to be back in the Burg.

Whilst away, I had many a conversations with Zane and had many pondering thoughts myself. That's where this blog comes in.

Before I get to going I need to disclaimer: the title may be deceiving. I am in no way bashing my upbringing/family/and/or self. I love my family and I am the most confident I have ever been in my entire life right now. I am confident in my appearance. I am confident in my walk with Christ. I am confident in my marriage (well as much as I can be for 7 months. I know I have so much more to learn and do :) ). So that being said let's get started.

As I said before, the title may be deceiving. In this way I think the word "Married" is what going to trip someone up. The blog has NOTHING and EVERYTHING to do with marriage. It is a topic that has been heavily on my heart. It is something I struggle with. It is something I see and admire in Zane because when he does this he looks like Jesus. What is this topic, you say? SelfLESSness

Whoo wee, that's a strong topic. Selflessness. What does that even mean? Well if you look it up in the dictionary, it basically states that you have no concern for your own interests. I think this is interesting but I think there is something else. When I think of a selfless person, I think of someone who would go out of their way to do something for somebody, and not complain about it. I think it is someone who believes in peoples dreams and wants to do everything in their power to help them accomplish them. I think it is someone who puts their thoughts and ideas aside so that some one else can have their dreams. It is someone who willingly comes in 2nd. I definitely don't think it means you have no concern for your own interest, I think it just means that Your concern is that Other people receive whatever they are interested in.

Marriage is the place where you must be selfless. Selfishness destroys a marriage and selflessness prospers in a marriage. Two selfish people think only of themselves and how their spouse can benefit them. Two selfless people in a marriage think only of their spouses and how their own actions affect their spouse. It's quite beautiful. Now when I say I married up, I married up. Zane is the most selfless person I know. I can't even begin to count the ways. And mostly I come up short, which leads me to wonder, how can a person be selfless.

Zane is wonderful and selflessness comes so naturally (it seems) to him. I need to WORK to be selfless, which is not selfless(I think).

So any ideas?? The most obvious one is fall more in love with Jesus. When you fall in love with Jesus, his desires become your desires. Jesus, who was the most selfless man EVER, leads us into a life that looks like HIS when we fall more in love with him.

Which is why we(I) will always marry up. Jesus is the ULTIMATE MARRYING UP MAN. No one can compete with him. How glorious that day, being the bride of Christ.

Until that day, I need to work at selflessness. Putting aside my desires and putting the desires of those around me above my own. Especially Zane's.

Ephesians 5 says

21 Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church—30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Like I said, I need a lot of work. Zane has got his part down.

Not sure this quite got all my thoughts out. It's a weird thought process and I may have forgotten some things. I rest in the fact knowing that I'm still growing. I don't want to be selfish, and my desire is to be selfless, but like all things in life, you have to work hard at it. I think the more you work at it, the easier it becomes and the more likely it becomes who you are. You become selfless. Focusing on Jesus, falling in love with him, becoming more like him. Then you become selfless.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My life is Secondhand

So 2 posts in one week... This is unheard of for Lady Franklin. But take what you can get :)

This post is basically for my benefit, and maybe hoping that it can help someone else who feels like they are in the same boat as me. I will mostly be slightly negative but I will try not to be! But if there is anything encouraging, know that it is strictly for my benefit, that I'm typing and believing it.

So as a woman, I struggle with comparing myself to other women. Mostly in the area of relationships. Here's how it trekked. Middle School and High School Vivian was pretty upset that most people had boyfriends, or at least dates to the high school dance. I was never asked to one. single. dance. Sometimes I put on a brave face and pretended like I was too cool for school, but in reality, I would cry myself to sleep sometimes because the boys at VHHS did not notice me. When I found Jesus, I found new identity in who I was, I knew who sustained me and where my worth came from and that was just dandy. Still I struggled with boys, why didn't any of them like me? What was wrong with me? Nothing is the answer. Nothing was wrong with me. Some of us just don't find our dream guy at 16/17.. so yeah. I graduated HS and moved on down to the most beautiful village on the plains.

So college Vivian struggled with marriage. It seemed like every time I got onto some sort of social media, boom someone was engaged. And that was great and I was happy for them, but uh hello???? what about me?? This probably put a ton of strain on my relationship with Zane. We started dating my Sophomore year of college and I knew I wanted to spend my life with him. I was pretty sure he wanted to spend his life with me too, we both knew going into dating that marriage was the end goal. It is kind of a scary decision to make when you are 18 (almost 19!) and 20 years old. Anywho the strain came when I was wanting to be engaged. It seemed like all my friends were getting engaged and even people I didn't know were getting engaged. I wanted it to be me.

I think that was extremely dangerous to think while in school. It is SUCH a dangerous place to compare my life to Suzy Q over there. Dating Zane was awesome! It was so good to get to know him before jumping on the marriage bandwagon. It's harder when my two best friends had gotten engaged and married while I was in school and here I was, knowing I loved Zane, but nothing to show for it.

That is the dangerous place. What was good for them, was NOT good for me at that moment. I cried with Jesus a lot over those times, wondering why this man who loved Jesus, didn't want to commit to me. I was blind. I knew Zane. He was committed to me. I knew that he was committed until the very end, but what I wanted was a title and a label, and glamour. I wanted people to look at me, comment things to me, like my photos, send me texts. My life felt secondhand. It was dumb. Romans says I am a child of God, therefore, I inherit the exact same things Christ inherits. Hello. Talk about treasure.

This brings us to now. Present day Vivian. I believe I am little wiser than I was a year// Year and a half ago. I'll probably look back on this in a year, or even 10 years from now and laugh at my thoughts, hopefully a lot wiser than I am now!
So here's the thing, we've been married 6 months. It's been awesome. I definitely don't want to spend my life with anyone else, and I know if I had a do-over I would still choose Zane. (That's cheesy). I love love love life with Zane. But sometimes I feel like my life gets into that Secondhand place. I feel lesser. And I blame social media. I feel like everywhere I turn my head, babies, babies, babies, babies. Which babies are cool, but now I feel sub par because my little family only consists of 2, not 3 or 4. And on top of that, it seems as soon as people know you are married, they want to know when you are having children. And social media does a good job at pointing the things in your face that someone has and that you SEEM to be lacking.

Well I am here to break that chain. If you are SINGLE, BRAVO. Paul talks in one of his letters that it is better to be single than to be married, because he can do MORE without having to worry about a wife. Think about that for a second, NOTHING is hindering you from Jesus. NOONE is able to step into the place where he is seated. That throne is for Him and Him ALONE. In marriage, it is tricky to add yet another person to that equation. It takes work, but Christ can still sit at the throne in the Center of it all, and a wife can love her husband the way he deserves and is called to love her husband. It can happen. Marriage is such a tool also. A couple united under Jesus is a force to be reckoned with. Unexplainable things, beautiful, holy, powerful things happen because a couple is willing to stand for Christ.  And then if you are Pregnant, or have children, BRAVO to you too. You have been entrusted by God the Father to parent one of his children. You are raising up a voice to the next generation. Something that is not taken lightly. Each step of the process is magnificently important.

This leaves me with a comforting thought. I am exactly where I need to be. Not pregnant, not single. Married to a man who looks like Jesus more and more everyday, searching for Him, and doing the best we can as humans to accomplish His purpose. I am so excited for my friends who are having babies. It is very exciting, but as Vivian, who struggles and fails daily, I need to be careful not to compare my life to those around me. Zane and I are where we need to be. We have huge plans for our lives. To be honest, I don't even want a child right now, and I think that's okay. I don't think it's okay to deceive myself into thinking it's not okay. It reminded me of a verse

Ecclesiastes 3
Everything has its own time, and there is a specific time for every activity under heaven:

a time to be born
and a time to die,
a time to plant and
a time to pull out what was planted
a time to kill and
a time to heal,
a time to tear down and
a time to build up
a time to cry and
a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and
a time to dance,
a time to scatter stone and
a time to gather them up
a time to hug and
a time to stop hugging,
a time to start looking and
a time to stop looking,
a time to keep and
a time to throw away,
 a time to tear apart and
a time to sew together,
a time to keep quiet and
a time to speak out,
a time to love and
a time to hate,
a time for war and
a time for peace.
(v 1 - 8)

This gives me such encouragement. I know that whenever we decide we would like to maybe start trying to have children, I know that the timing will be of the Lord's and the time for that. Right now, I will enjoy my simplicity of the family of 2, dinner every night, no stress, just simplicity.

If I would to give advice, it would be, enjoy the moment you are in right now. The Lord has something special in store for this very moment. He is wanting to teach you something, show you something beautiful right now. Enjoy the moment, enjoy the lesson. Don't worry about what I am doing, what John or Sarah are doing. Be concerned with what you are doing, what you are learning, what you are experiencing. Life is so much easier that way. Also know this, your life is NOT secondhand. Your life is just as important, where you are RIGHT NOW than any of your friends who, in your eyes, seem to be a bit further along in life. That's rubbish. You are important. Where you are is important. And Jesus loves you more than you could ever know.

Should be it.
Love ya all,

Monday, July 22, 2013

We've been sick!

Hello Blogger world.

The Franklins have been fighting something nasty. It started with me last Monday - still fighting through it and then last night Zane started to get it. Come on immune systems. Give. me. a. break. I was bed ridden all week. Pretty much got up to go to work (which I cried at almost everyday) and then came home and napped and thats about it. '

The weird thing about getting old is responsibility. Everyone kept asking me why I was at work and why wasn't I just resting at home. Um hello. I have bills. Mom and Dad don't pay for anything anymore. I believe if you are old enough to get married, you are old enough to pay for things on your own. Like apt, phone bills, food, clothes, etc. There are some exceptions, as the Franklins know, and we are extra thankful for parents who want to help us out, but if I am sick, I can't go crawling to Mom and Dad to pay for my food that week. Make sense? Tiny rant.

I always feel like there is more I should type up here. I know I have been very bad at this whole blog thing, but hey you get what you get.

My 1/2 marathon is in 6 weeks. I had a freak out because well i haven't run over 5.5 miles yet and 13.1 miles is a lot more than that! And I think my running partner backed out (with good reason) so I think I am on my own. We have yet to book a hotel room (it's 4 hours away), but I'm not worried about it. PLUS it's the weekend of the Alabama/VA Tech game! Woo Hoo! LET'S GO.... HOKIES! I am allowed to say that, not because I don't like Alabama but because my husband is a student at Virginia Tech. :) Anyway, I am really excited about this 1/2 marathon. I think it is good that I signed up and paid for it a while ago, because if I hadn't I would have probably given up on it. It's so wonderful to have a set goal in mind. My running has been off because I got sick last week, and sometimes I am a baby and don't want to run in the rain. Today was hard. I chose to do 3 miles and I gave myself 30 minutes. Well I am still pretty congested and feel gross and it was 1pm and Blacksburg is true to it's name with the burg part. So. Many. Hills. I tried to run the whole time but it was close to feeling like 90 degrees and straight uphill is hard for me. So I finished in about 40 min. 10 min over what I allowed myself and I walked for about 1/2 a mile. So. not bad. I am proud of myself.
What I should do is start running at 7 am because that's when my race start. Oi vay!

I am trying to fix my hair, blonde again... Or fix my highlights. My students have definitely let me know that "I look cool with my dark on top and streaks of light starting in the middle" yeah.... it's time to fix my hair.

On a nicer note. Glorious ruins is amazing. If you haven't listened to the new album yet (Hillsong Live) you are missing out.! It's seriously so good. And since we are on to Jesus now, I am missing China, well anything that has to do with mission work and whatnot. Poor Zane is having to deal with my breakdowns. I had one last night about not really knowing what I want to do with my life. Going back to school and getting a degree for something else, where can I get a degree that I wouldn't have to pay an arm and a leg for. I keep going between Nursing and social work and I even threw in teaching last night. I pretty much threw it back out just because I struggle with people who don't understand :/ I'd make a bad teacher. It just seems that everyone I know knows what they want to do in life. Except me. Right now I realize that is okay, but if I let my mind sit on it for too long, I'll get upset again. Noone wants that. For now, I'll just be a wife to Zane and a good coach to my chitlens.

We have a few prayer requests:

-Zane is waiting on some pretty big news this week. When we hear back there most certainly will be an update.
-My fiasco with not knowing what to do in life.
- My marathon training
- Zane's sickness

I wish I had some more deep thinking thoughts for you guys, but I don't. I'm sorry. Let us know if there  is anything you need prayer for, and we will most definitely love to join with you in that!

Until next time,

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Beautiful Love-Handles

So I have been thinking about this blog for about a week now. This is something that has been on my heart and I just need to share it. Now I know I probably have a ton of male readers (hint on a little bit of sarcasm), but this one is for the LADIESSSSS.

I got to thinking the other day, "Why do we let society tell us what is beautiful and what is not beautiful?" When was it decided that being a size 0 or a 2 was desirable? When was it decided that fat was disgusting? Why do we all have to look the same and why do we struggle when we don't?

I struggle with this. I have the greatest husband, because not only does he let me cry about "being fat" he then comes back after I've had my pity party and says I am not, I am beautiful, and he loves the way I look. Talk about brownie points! But seriously, he is genuine when he says these things, and he's not saying them because he feels obligated because now he's married to me and has to deal with my insecurites. No. He realizes that one) I am beautiful the way I am. two) he doesn't see me the way the world tells me I should look. He doesn't have the lens of the world on when he looks at me, he sees me through loving eye (sorry for the cheese). three) I am my own person. He loves my originality. I don't look like everyone else and THAT IS A GOOD THING.

Greatest husband of the year, right??

On a spiritual side, God thinks I'm beautiful too. The Bible is filled with thoughts on how God sees all his children. We are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139). Beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is AWESOME (Prov 31 Vivian Version). Man looks at the outside the Lord looks at the HEART (1 Sam 16). I am beautiful, there is no flaw in me (SOS 4). THE KING IS ENTRALLED BY MY BEAUTY (Ps 45). Should I keep going. It's encouraging to know that the book of life, which is breathed by and thought of by the Maker of the Heavens thinks I am good looking. and more that that, He's concerned with matter of my heart, not my pants size.

Think about it. Remember in High School when the hottest guy in school was an absolute jerk, how attractive was he then? Not very. Kinda gross actually, and the nice sweet sensitive friend always got better looking because his heart was in the right place. BINGO.

Anywho sometimes KNOWING  that God thinks I'm beautiful and KNOWING  that Zane thinks I'm beautiful, doesn't do crap if I don't believe it myself. Because as a woman, I can know and believe that everything God says about me is true, and I can believe HE thinks that, but if I can also think that I am not beautiful. If you aren't a woman, you won't understand this.

I was reading an article the other day, which is kinda how my thoughts got started on this topic. Raven Symone (That's So Raven) has lost a bunch of weight. Now everyone is taking pictures of her, interviewing her, complementing her and whatnot. In an interview they asked her why she lost all this weight, her answer "the pressure of society" wow. Then someone in the same interview commented her and said "You look beautiful." Her response, "I've ALWAYS been beautiful, now I'm just thin." WHAT A STATEMENT. Which got me thinking. Why do you "look great" after you've lost 10 lbs.. That's frustrating.

This has made me appreciate my love handles :) I am beautiful. Running is nice to be healthy. And losing weight is not a bad thing, but I am beautiful. I have always been beautiful. My love handles are beautiful. My stretch marks are beautiful. And even if I lose 15 lbs, I know right now in this moment, I am beautiful. Not only because I think so, but because I know God thinks so, and I have a supportive husband who thinks so. Who cares about Society.

Those are my thoughts for the day,
Until Next Time,


Friday, May 31, 2013

My God, He is Faithful

I shouldn't have to apologize for not being super faithful with writing this thing. Nothing special happens in the Burg. But some special stuff does occur every once in a while and makes me want to share. Especially the reasons in where God shows up and shows off. He is good isn't He. I can give you a bit of backstory. Please don't take this as a cry for help, or attention. This story is about how faithful God is, and how at a moment's notice, He can come and move in your heart and give you that supernatural peace, we all long for.

Here's the story:

I had a bad day yesterday. By all means it should have been fantastic. I had the day off from work, got new glasses, and had a fantastic run. But the Enemy is the destroyer of all things good and pure and wonderful. He whispers to the insecurities and has a way with words that is disgusting if you sit and think about it. So having a day. Feeling lonely, unwanted, unappreciated. Pretty much all the negative emotions a person can have. Zane left to go hang out with some guy friends and I was at home alone with the two babies (Tobias and Eloise). I went for a run, turned on Pandora, and worshiped as I ran, which is the reason I think I could have finished 3 mi and felt like I could have kept going. I finished my run with Highlands "Arise". Truly a wonderful worship song. Ate some dinner, still alone, Zane came home, we went to bed. I cried because I realized my feelings had been hurt all day, so I asked Zane if I could turn on the lamp. Mind you it's super close to midnight. But God can still speak to you when it's past your bed time, you're hurting, and need some love. Dumb on my part was waiting until midnight, but it was still a sweet embrace from my Lord, and perfect timing on His part, like always.

I went and grabbed my Bible. A verse popped into my head "If you seek me, you will find me, when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13. Well here goes nothing. Seeking Daddy, hoping I will find Him, because my weak self NEEDS HIM.

I didn't even know where to start so I just did my daily reading that I forgot to read that day. Saul becomes King. Other Saul who becomes Paul goes to Jail, saves someone, hero. Then the beautiful psalms. I read Psalm 84. Here it is, because I can not do it justice.

Psalm 84For the choir director; on the gittith; a psalm by Korah’s descendants. 

Your dwelling place is lovely, O Lord of Armies
My soul longs and yearns
    for the Lord’s courtyards.
    My whole body shouts for joy to the living God. 
 and swallows find a nest for themselves    
            There they hatch their young
                   near your altars, O Lord of Armies,
    my king and my God.
Blessed are those who live in your house.
    They are always praising you. Selah
Blessed are those who find strength in you.
    Their hearts are on the road that leads to you.[a]        
they make it a place of springs.
                The early rains cover it with blessings.[c]
Their strength grows as they go along
    until each one of them appears
    in front of God in Zion.

Lord God, commander of armies, hear my prayer.
    Open your ears, O God of Jacob. Selah
Look at our shield, O God.
    Look with favor on the face of your anointed one.
One day in your courtyards is better than a thousand anywhere else.
    I would rather stand in the entrance to my God’s house
    than live inside wicked people’s homes.
The Lord God is a sun and shield.
    The Lord grants favor and honor.
    He does not hold back any blessing
    from those who live innocently.
Lord of Armies, blessed is the person who trusts you.

Seriously. How wonderful is this passage. And if that doesn't do it, Revelation is the end of my reading for my daily readings. Let's be honest, I wasn't really expecting something to soothe me from Revelation. Mostly gloom and doom and heartbreak for my generation. What I got, I loved and fell asleep peacefully knowing that God cares about me. My future is bright with Him. He longs to love me and take care of me. He's my absolute best friend, running partner, lover, father, comforter, peace, hope, everything. 

13 One of the leaders asked me, “Who are these people wearing white robes, and where did they come from?”
14 I answered him, “Sir, you know.”
Then he told me,

“These are the people who are coming out of the terrible suffering.
    They have washed their robes
        and made them white in the blood of the lamb.
15  That is why they are in front of the throne of God.
    They serve him day and night in his temple.
        The one who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them.
16  They will never be hungry or thirsty again.
    Neither the sun nor any burning heat will ever overcome them.
17  The lamb in the center near the throne will be their shepherd.
    He will lead them to springs filled with the water of life,
        and God will wipe every tear from their eyes.”

God did that for me last night! He wiped my tears from my eyes. He loved me. he covers me. I wasn't thirsty or hungry for the things of this world, Just more of Jesus. The best part is he is willing to do that for you too. Not just when you're sad, unhappy, mad, anything, but when you are happy, filled with joy. He longs to be my Best Friend. and he is! and I am glad I will worship for all Eternity! Jesus is so good. 

"13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.

And that, my friends, is where I will leave you. Hopefully encouraging you to seek the Lord, because he is faithful in all he does. He will come and rescue you and love you and hold you. 

And He is my God, and He is faithful.

Until Next time,



Thursday, May 9, 2013

Here's a thought

I haven't blogged in a while, and you will have to excuse me for that, because well going into this my intentions were good, but I'm just bad at this. So up to date on the Franklins.

- We love our Small group. Our friends are so fun :)
- Zane's Birthday was a success! I got him his presents and we had some people over for pizza coke and quelf! It was fun!!
- Alabama was fun! We spent a lot of money, mostly on food. EeEEEP! We saw as many people as we possibly could and it was wonderful. I was homesick for a little while after.
- I'm blonde (ish)
- Zane is close to being done with his first year of grad school!
- We are getting a kitten!!! We are deciding between the names Eloise ( my favorite I think) and Mollie!
- Tobias is doing good :) Snuggly as ever.

I've just been having some thoughts recently. Mostly in response to culture. Now I'm not here to throw my opinions in your face, be all political. It's just a thought.

As a Christian, I believe the world looks to us to see how we react to, um what's the word, stunning news. And as American christians we come up short about 95% of the time. I'm almost embarrassed to say that I love Jesus, because of the horrific responses to this Jay Collins news. SO WHAT? He's gay? Honestly, I believe Jesus would be disappointed with the responses from "christians". Who did Jesus hang out with? Thieves. Adulterers. The lowly. The unwanted. The unaccepted. Who did Jesus use? Thieves. Adulterers. MURDERERS. Who are you to judge people also labeled as this, or as society says. In modern days who do you think Jesus would hang out with? You know who I think? The lonely. The abortion doctor. The lawyer who's mission in life is to rid you of your money. He chose me when I was at my worst. Something I didn't deserve. "This is how we know love: Christ died for us while we were still sinners." Romans 5:8.

Anywho. Speaking of Jesus. He's been so good to me lately.

Sorry it's all over the place. It's been a crazy week!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Hunter Hays Kinda Thought

So I have not been a very good wife lately. As a married woman, who loves Jesus, I need to be better. I need to not get angry when there are dishes that need to be done, and I haven't seen Zane all day, and I've been working nonstop and I'm exhausted. Anywho, side note, when I don't have gas, I just take Zane's car, and I just listen to the radio instead of my iPod in Zane's car. Well I couldn't find anything on my 20 min car ride home so I just left it on the first station that had music. Well it was country. Bleh, but I wanted something to keep the silence from taking over.

It was a Hunter Hays song, Somebody's Heartbreak. There was a line that stuck out to me, and it completely changed my attitude towards my marriage. Well more like my frustrations. The line was "one minute with you is better than two minutes without you." Mind you, the rest of the song is trash, for real. But it resinated with me. 1 minute with Zane is absolutely worth it, more than the 2 minutes I am working or whatever. So my washing the dishes with Zane in the kitchen is now fun, because Zane is with me :). On top of that, I feel as if I am fulfilling my calling as a wife. Yay, for purpose!! Because 1 minute with Zane is better than 2 minutes without him. Goodness I love this man.

But now, thanks to the random snow in April(??????) Zane and I have had dinner and gotten to spend so much time watching a mediocre tv show. :)

Until next time,

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter thoughts and Wedding pictures :)

Hi all,

The Franklin's first Easter was one for the books. Definitely 10 years from now, we will be laughing at how we celebrated this. We went to church, so sweet, and then, wait for it, BUFFALO WILD WINGS. Haha, Easter lunch of champions.  But the cool part was, we got to spend time with people who have become like family to us. It was special to celebrate Easter with our small group, having dinner and talking about Jesus the whole night. I mean Jesus is the Reason for Easter. Reflecting on his glorious day, which was not glorious for him at all.

I was just thinking about Jesus and how wonderful he was. He was and is the most selfless man, who took my burdens, my sin, my shame, just so that I could have the choice to know His Father. Wow I am so undeserving of a love like that. Then I think of calvary. The grace that Jesus gave ON THE CROSS astounds me. There are two criminals, who by all means of justice, DESERVED what was happening to them. And then in a moment of an experience with Christ, watching Him still give glory to the Father, and forgiving the people who put him on the cross undeservingly, a choice was made, in what I believe was humility. The criminal and looked to Jesus and said "Remember me when you enter your Kingdom." and Jesus, in all his wonderfulness and greatness replies, "Today, you will join me in PARADISE." I think that is just a wonderful expression of how He loves us and forgives us and desires to be with us. Jesus is experiencing the most horrific death, and turns to a man who is deserving of this death, and forgives him and offers him into paradise. I'm curious about what is going through this man's head, going through the guards head who are watching this exchange happen. What's going through Mary's head as she watches Jesus forgive a criminal the way he no longer condemned her after being caught in Adultery. He is CONSTANT. Wow, what a Savior. he is wonderful, and I am in awe of Him!!

Praise be to the Father, who forgives my sins. He loves me, but the cool this is he LIKES me. :) He is absolutely my best friend, lover of my soul, constant, everything.

In a completely different way, Here are a few of my favorite wedding pictures :)

Maybe more later!
