Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I don't know about you, but I feel a lot older than 22

Hello folks,

I'm writing this from the discomfort of my couch. Day one after surgery, and many thoughts have been running through my mind. I will try to get through this. I am in and out of consciousness so bear with me :)

Surgery went great. Recovery is what the bother is. But I've been thinking. My birthday was last Friday and I turned 22. 21 was long year with many experiences that came along with it. And now that I am 22 and 5 days old, I have experienced a lot more than most people my age. I feel closer to 30 than 20. Just in the year of 21, here is what I experienced:

- I graduated college
- I got married
- I moved to a state at least 8 hours away from everyone I loved and knew no one
- I got a job(almost full time)
- Zane and I support ourselves (almost completely)
- Went through another few rounds of Physical Therapy
- Was threatened with ANOTHER surgery for my shoulder
- Trained for, ran, and completed a half marathon
- Found out that I have a 0% functioning gall bladder
- 4 days into being 22 I have a surgery that removes this organ.

I was having an epiphany. God doesn't give us anything he can't handle. I was terrified of the surgery. I was reading the bible and I had a verse that calmed me down.  "I lie down and sleep. I wake up again because the Lord supports me." Psalm 3:5. Zane laughed at me saying, "well this is literal". Whatever works. I know who supports me. Today I've been reading the bible off and on, mostly because I can't stay awake for more than 30 minutes, especially in the morning when I am feeling extra sickly.

Today I had a great one, "Those who know your name trust you, O Lord, because you have never deserted those who seek your help." Psalm 9:10.

That's it. God has never deserted me. He will never desert me. He is faithful. I know He is faithful, and I know he will hold me and heal me.

This isn't a long one, because I am nauseous. But God is so good.


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