Monday, July 22, 2013

We've been sick!

Hello Blogger world.

The Franklins have been fighting something nasty. It started with me last Monday - still fighting through it and then last night Zane started to get it. Come on immune systems. Give. me. a. break. I was bed ridden all week. Pretty much got up to go to work (which I cried at almost everyday) and then came home and napped and thats about it. '

The weird thing about getting old is responsibility. Everyone kept asking me why I was at work and why wasn't I just resting at home. Um hello. I have bills. Mom and Dad don't pay for anything anymore. I believe if you are old enough to get married, you are old enough to pay for things on your own. Like apt, phone bills, food, clothes, etc. There are some exceptions, as the Franklins know, and we are extra thankful for parents who want to help us out, but if I am sick, I can't go crawling to Mom and Dad to pay for my food that week. Make sense? Tiny rant.

I always feel like there is more I should type up here. I know I have been very bad at this whole blog thing, but hey you get what you get.

My 1/2 marathon is in 6 weeks. I had a freak out because well i haven't run over 5.5 miles yet and 13.1 miles is a lot more than that! And I think my running partner backed out (with good reason) so I think I am on my own. We have yet to book a hotel room (it's 4 hours away), but I'm not worried about it. PLUS it's the weekend of the Alabama/VA Tech game! Woo Hoo! LET'S GO.... HOKIES! I am allowed to say that, not because I don't like Alabama but because my husband is a student at Virginia Tech. :) Anyway, I am really excited about this 1/2 marathon. I think it is good that I signed up and paid for it a while ago, because if I hadn't I would have probably given up on it. It's so wonderful to have a set goal in mind. My running has been off because I got sick last week, and sometimes I am a baby and don't want to run in the rain. Today was hard. I chose to do 3 miles and I gave myself 30 minutes. Well I am still pretty congested and feel gross and it was 1pm and Blacksburg is true to it's name with the burg part. So. Many. Hills. I tried to run the whole time but it was close to feeling like 90 degrees and straight uphill is hard for me. So I finished in about 40 min. 10 min over what I allowed myself and I walked for about 1/2 a mile. So. not bad. I am proud of myself.
What I should do is start running at 7 am because that's when my race start. Oi vay!

I am trying to fix my hair, blonde again... Or fix my highlights. My students have definitely let me know that "I look cool with my dark on top and streaks of light starting in the middle" yeah.... it's time to fix my hair.

On a nicer note. Glorious ruins is amazing. If you haven't listened to the new album yet (Hillsong Live) you are missing out.! It's seriously so good. And since we are on to Jesus now, I am missing China, well anything that has to do with mission work and whatnot. Poor Zane is having to deal with my breakdowns. I had one last night about not really knowing what I want to do with my life. Going back to school and getting a degree for something else, where can I get a degree that I wouldn't have to pay an arm and a leg for. I keep going between Nursing and social work and I even threw in teaching last night. I pretty much threw it back out just because I struggle with people who don't understand :/ I'd make a bad teacher. It just seems that everyone I know knows what they want to do in life. Except me. Right now I realize that is okay, but if I let my mind sit on it for too long, I'll get upset again. Noone wants that. For now, I'll just be a wife to Zane and a good coach to my chitlens.

We have a few prayer requests:

-Zane is waiting on some pretty big news this week. When we hear back there most certainly will be an update.
-My fiasco with not knowing what to do in life.
- My marathon training
- Zane's sickness

I wish I had some more deep thinking thoughts for you guys, but I don't. I'm sorry. Let us know if there  is anything you need prayer for, and we will most definitely love to join with you in that!

Until next time,

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