Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Beautiful Love-Handles

So I have been thinking about this blog for about a week now. This is something that has been on my heart and I just need to share it. Now I know I probably have a ton of male readers (hint on a little bit of sarcasm), but this one is for the LADIESSSSS.

I got to thinking the other day, "Why do we let society tell us what is beautiful and what is not beautiful?" When was it decided that being a size 0 or a 2 was desirable? When was it decided that fat was disgusting? Why do we all have to look the same and why do we struggle when we don't?

I struggle with this. I have the greatest husband, because not only does he let me cry about "being fat" he then comes back after I've had my pity party and says I am not, I am beautiful, and he loves the way I look. Talk about brownie points! But seriously, he is genuine when he says these things, and he's not saying them because he feels obligated because now he's married to me and has to deal with my insecurites. No. He realizes that one) I am beautiful the way I am. two) he doesn't see me the way the world tells me I should look. He doesn't have the lens of the world on when he looks at me, he sees me through loving eye (sorry for the cheese). three) I am my own person. He loves my originality. I don't look like everyone else and THAT IS A GOOD THING.

Greatest husband of the year, right??

On a spiritual side, God thinks I'm beautiful too. The Bible is filled with thoughts on how God sees all his children. We are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139). Beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is AWESOME (Prov 31 Vivian Version). Man looks at the outside the Lord looks at the HEART (1 Sam 16). I am beautiful, there is no flaw in me (SOS 4). THE KING IS ENTRALLED BY MY BEAUTY (Ps 45). Should I keep going. It's encouraging to know that the book of life, which is breathed by and thought of by the Maker of the Heavens thinks I am good looking. and more that that, He's concerned with matter of my heart, not my pants size.

Think about it. Remember in High School when the hottest guy in school was an absolute jerk, how attractive was he then? Not very. Kinda gross actually, and the nice sweet sensitive friend always got better looking because his heart was in the right place. BINGO.

Anywho sometimes KNOWING  that God thinks I'm beautiful and KNOWING  that Zane thinks I'm beautiful, doesn't do crap if I don't believe it myself. Because as a woman, I can know and believe that everything God says about me is true, and I can believe HE thinks that, but if I can also think that I am not beautiful. If you aren't a woman, you won't understand this.

I was reading an article the other day, which is kinda how my thoughts got started on this topic. Raven Symone (That's So Raven) has lost a bunch of weight. Now everyone is taking pictures of her, interviewing her, complementing her and whatnot. In an interview they asked her why she lost all this weight, her answer "the pressure of society" wow. Then someone in the same interview commented her and said "You look beautiful." Her response, "I've ALWAYS been beautiful, now I'm just thin." WHAT A STATEMENT. Which got me thinking. Why do you "look great" after you've lost 10 lbs.. That's frustrating.

This has made me appreciate my love handles :) I am beautiful. Running is nice to be healthy. And losing weight is not a bad thing, but I am beautiful. I have always been beautiful. My love handles are beautiful. My stretch marks are beautiful. And even if I lose 15 lbs, I know right now in this moment, I am beautiful. Not only because I think so, but because I know God thinks so, and I have a supportive husband who thinks so. Who cares about Society.

Those are my thoughts for the day,
Until Next Time,


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