Monday, October 28, 2013

I have forgotten

Hi all,

Nothing new to report since last time. Just a small food for thought.

I have forgotten (temporarily) my dream and desires. I have gotten so caught up with work and finding a new job and a new apartment, I have forgotten everything I desire and all my dreams. And quite frankly, some amazing stuff that I could be apart of in Atlanta.

I had a conversation with a coworker today, which turned into me realizing I needed to remind myself often of my dreams. Current circumstances shouldn't hinder me from what I am passionate about.

Whatever is happening in life, and your dreams may be on the back burner, that is fine. BUT  never forget them. I have and almost cried tonight at work because of it.

One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 20:9  "But if I say, 'I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name, his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed I cannot.' " Sometimes I don't always feel this way, but as I recalled to my friend what I want to do with my life, I realized his fire is shut up in my bones. I cannot hold it in.

Dreams are a curious thing. Big dreams are a wonderful thing. I think big dreams are honoring to God. I read somewhere that said "if your dream is easily obtained, it is dishonoring to the Lord." Something along those lines. I'm thinking about my dreams right now. I am excited and nervous. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I cannot do this on my own. I need a miracle from God to accomplish the things I want to do. I'm thinking of starting a "Dream wall" or something like that. Where I can write my dreams, see them everyday, pray for them, and work hard to achieve them. I'm not sure how I would go about doing something like that, but I need to be reminded daily of the passions inside me. To fight on my knees for the broken, and the homeless, and the weak.

I'll tell you a couple of dreams I have.

- I would love to partner up with someone to help stop human trafficking. I know I am not a bust the door down, grab the people out, and rescue them kind of person. I know that I love fiercely though. I want to be behind the scenes. I want to wait for women and children, and love them back to health. I want to show them Jesus and hope. I want to hug them and be there for them when they are all alone. It happens in the U.S. and they need someone to fight for them, and then someone to love them.

- I would love to start an organization that helps families who can not have children but want to have children adopt them. From the U.S., from China, for anywhere. EVERY CHILD deserves a home. I have no idea how this will happen, but I want to give aid to families who can't afford to adopt. It is ridiculous how much money it costs to bring a child into your home, especially from out of the country. There are mothers and fathers - to be, who will be great parents one day, and I want to help them have their dream.

- I want to take hundreds of high school and college students to China. I want them to see the beauty of that land. I want them to experience the Father like they have never done before in their entire lives. I want them to see the audacious faith of the Chinese who know the Father, who are worshippers of spirit and truth.

Currently right now, I have nothing towards these goal. No money, no ideas, no contacts, nothing. All I have are my knees, my words, and my heart. Those 3 things are the basis for anything to come to fruition. On my knees, the desires of my heart come through my words as I fight for the oppressed. Right now, in Blacksburg, VA, that is taking one step closer to the dreams.

I hope to never forget again.


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