Thursday, October 24, 2013

Public Announcement

Hello world,

Life has been rather slow. Aside from losing an organ, I should say. Recovery has been slower than I would anticipate. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so I'm not sure if it's actual pain or just annoyance. I feel like I have pulled a muscle in my stomach after running 5 miles. But besides that I feel MUCH better. I'm back coaching. I missed my kiddos.

Now here is what you all have been waiting for....

Zane got a job at Georgia Tech! We are moving to Atlanta in December and he starts work the first Monday in January! I am so proud of him. This means we will be closer to both our families and closer to the beloved Auburn. Just in time for AU gymnastics :).

Personally, I'm rather frustrated. I feel like I am at the exact same place I was a year ago. It feels a little ridiculous. But this time I have another person to think about. Last year around this time, we had an apartment already here in Blacksburg. Zane was of course living here while I was at Auburn finishing my last semester. But the thing I lacked was a job. Of course, God being who God is, showed up and came through. Which is now where I work at the gym. The Lord is faithful, that is something I have learned these 10 months (almost) of marriage.

But here we are now, no apartment in Atlanta, no job for me. Atlanta overwhelms me. There is so much opportunity there, but because there is so much, I don't even know where to begin. This is for jobs AND living situation. It's scary not having a place to live right now, and not having a job. The job I am not too worried about, although I believe I will go crazy if I don't have something to occupy my time. But I have to recall, God is faithful. Let me tell you the journey.

Zane applied for this position in hopes of going to GT this summer (2013). His professor decided that it would be better if he went in January 2014 and continued throughout the summer. It helps that his professor is also going to GT and Zane works directly under him.  Here is what I have to recall to show that God is faithful.

1. GT accepted Zane and said they would pay him. GT does not just pay people. It is a very difficult program to get into, and when Zane was accepted there for Graduate School, they didn't offer him any financial aid. But now, a yearish later, Zane is going to GT to WORK.

2. Zane gets to keep his scholarship to VT, meaning we do not have to pay out of state tuition for his 3 hour class he has to take in the Spring. Out of State is expensive.... as newlywed with not much money this is SUCH a blessing. Zane will be working half time at GT and then have his scholarship from VT.

3. In August, we told our apartment that we were leaving in January and we would like a subleaser for the Spring term. I was extremely skeptical because who would want to live in an apartment in a college town for only one semester. I was very afraid that we were going to have to pay 2 apartment rents and it stressed me out. Of course, God being who God is, and after much prayer, someone SUBLEASED FROM US. Glory Glory Glory.

That is really all I have got. But 3 things are better than none. Really all I have to do is think back to a year ago. I recall so many verses that bring me to tears thinking how wonderful and faithful God is. One I really enjoy and I think it has become my favorite because I have used it as a lifeline for more than a year now is 1st Thessalonians 5:24 "He who has called you, will remain faithful." I have to cling to that. I just have to. It gives me peace, and hope. He has remained faithful. He was faithful when we looked for an apartment in Blacksburg and found one that held out for us. He was faithful when Zane's apartment in Auburn SOLD in a short time. He was faithful when I was offered more hours at the gym. He was faithful when we found a church we like and friends we love. He was faithful when Zane got a job. He was faithful when Zane got a scholarship. He was faithful we someone rented our apartment from us. How can I doubt that he will be faithful when it comes to finding a home for us in Atlanta? How can I doubt that he will be faithful when it's time to fork over all the initial fees for said home? How can I doubt that he will be faithful when it comes to finding a job I love and am passionate about in one of the most influential cities in our Nation?

I can't. It would be dishonoring and selfish to think that.

Naturally it is scary. What we don't know is often scary. When we can't see that far ahead of us, it is scary. I think God's tenderness and mercy live in our scary places. I think in order to know God more and to see Him better, we need to venture into the unknown. I think scary places aren't so scary when we step out in faith into them, and realize God is there, smiling, and waiting with open arms.

Atlanta is a huge step for us. There is so much opportunity there, to be who Zane and I were made to be, individually and together. It's exciting. It's overwhelming. It's refreshing. I believe in Zane so much. I'm so honored to be his bride. I will follow him to the ends of the earth.

My last thoughts (and sorry I am all over the place) is a prayer and a reminder. Something I also went through last year, and hopefully I am more the wiser now than I was then.

"Teach me to number my days (left in Blacksburg), that I might gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12. I can't rush the time I have left here, and sometimes I don't want to. I love our friends. There are some of the greatest people I have ever come in contact with. It is always so fun whenever we get together. There is always laughter, and always Jesus. We all knew that our time in Blacksburg was short, and it is sad that we are leaving, but I would not trade these past 8ish months with our friends for anything. They stand by us, and Zane and I will always stand by them, whether they are in California, South Carolina, China, the Middle East, or Africa. I know we have made friends that will leave a lasting impression. (woah with the sapp).  But I can't rush this time here in Blacksburg. We are NOT in Atlanta yet, meaning we still have people to love, and a calling to fulfill in Virginia.

I think that is all for now.
Until Next time,

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