Thursday, May 9, 2013

Here's a thought

I haven't blogged in a while, and you will have to excuse me for that, because well going into this my intentions were good, but I'm just bad at this. So up to date on the Franklins.

- We love our Small group. Our friends are so fun :)
- Zane's Birthday was a success! I got him his presents and we had some people over for pizza coke and quelf! It was fun!!
- Alabama was fun! We spent a lot of money, mostly on food. EeEEEP! We saw as many people as we possibly could and it was wonderful. I was homesick for a little while after.
- I'm blonde (ish)
- Zane is close to being done with his first year of grad school!
- We are getting a kitten!!! We are deciding between the names Eloise ( my favorite I think) and Mollie!
- Tobias is doing good :) Snuggly as ever.

I've just been having some thoughts recently. Mostly in response to culture. Now I'm not here to throw my opinions in your face, be all political. It's just a thought.

As a Christian, I believe the world looks to us to see how we react to, um what's the word, stunning news. And as American christians we come up short about 95% of the time. I'm almost embarrassed to say that I love Jesus, because of the horrific responses to this Jay Collins news. SO WHAT? He's gay? Honestly, I believe Jesus would be disappointed with the responses from "christians". Who did Jesus hang out with? Thieves. Adulterers. The lowly. The unwanted. The unaccepted. Who did Jesus use? Thieves. Adulterers. MURDERERS. Who are you to judge people also labeled as this, or as society says. In modern days who do you think Jesus would hang out with? You know who I think? The lonely. The abortion doctor. The lawyer who's mission in life is to rid you of your money. He chose me when I was at my worst. Something I didn't deserve. "This is how we know love: Christ died for us while we were still sinners." Romans 5:8.

Anywho. Speaking of Jesus. He's been so good to me lately.

Sorry it's all over the place. It's been a crazy week!


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