Tuesday, August 12, 2014

An Embodiment of Grace

Hello all,

Life has been pretty great recently. Finished school, and we got an apartment that we love. love. love. I visited a dear friend in Indiana and had a magnificent time. Sometimes you just need a little girl time, goat shows, raspberry pickings, and a lot of laughs and a couple of tears.

BUT this blog post has nothing (good) to do with me and everything good to do with my husband. You see, Zane, has looked like Jesus a lot to me this past month. I have screwed up in a ton of ways, and the way he has reacted has taught me a whole lot about our Savior than I think he intended. Let's take a look into our messy lives.

School has overwhelmed me some this summer. I get a little frazzled when some weeks are ridiculous. So sometimes I look at the clock and its 5:30pm, we have NO groceries, and Zane will be home within an hour and he is expecting some sort of dinner/food. So dinner either turns out to be spaghetti, or some terrible concoction of balsamic vinegar (love that stuff) and some spices we have lying around. And you know how Zane responds in my lack of wifehood at that moment. Grace. He eats it. He doesn't complain. He kisses the top of my head and thanks me for making dinner (even though it's probably the second time that week I've made balsamic vinegar chicken and it's only Tuesday).

Another time, I've got a babysitting gig. As I was leaving, the garage malfunctioned and Tobias ended up being outside for 6 hours. When I got home, I was a wreck because I couldn't find the cat. I called Zane, bawling my eyes out. You know how Zane responded, Grace. Talked me through finding Tobias. Never once getting frustrated that I let his little buddy out. (We found him, Ha-le-lu-jahhhh).

Last Friday, I was coming home from class, I grazed a curb and blew a tire. It's $150 to replace a tire. I was crying and so upset(this was the second time in a month that it happened). 150 bucks is a lot of cash(twice). You know what Zane did? Showed me extreme Grace. He consoled me and we still got to go to the movie that night, even though we just dropped $150 on a new tire.

Over and over again, I fail, and over and over again, Zane responds with grace. Every time it looks like Jesus. Every time he reacts this way, I see Jesus. It points me more to Jesus. I see the way Jesus responds to me when I mess up with him. A husband is supposed to be a reflection of Christ. Zane is that. He makes me more thankful for the grace of Christ. He embodies that grace.


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