Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Five Loaves and Two Fish

Hello all,

I do not know where I last updated everyone on us, but I'll hit some bullet points.

- We are finally settled into our new place. The old has gone and the new has come. Praise Jesus. Hallelujah
- School started back for me. I am only taking two classes: Microbiology and Human Anatomy and Physiology II. I'm enjoying them because of content, not enjoying driving to Birmingham twice a week. So. Much. Gas.
- Football is back which makes me extremely happy.
- My birthday and our NYC trip is less than 3 weeks away!!!!!!!

Okay, that should be it. What I really want to talk about is my heart and the amazing night I had last night. 

Let me start off by saying, if there is something Jesus wants you to be at, to hear from him, to learn, and to grow, the devil will do anything and everything in his power to make it so that you don't get there. I mean why would he want you to grow? He just wants to steal, kill, and destroy you. Growing in the Lord is not in his gameplan. 
Well for about a month now, I've had a sweet friend who has kept asking and encouraging and asking and asking and asking if I wanted to go this all girls night at Passion City Church. I was hesitant at first for some unknown reason but I said yes. For the past week and a half, I have been DREADING going to this Monday night event. I blamed it on feeling sick (because well I have), but in my heart I was just kind of blah to the whole thing, and wanted to stay home and watch American Ninja Warrior. I mean I know Jesus shows up at PCC but I didn't want to. Nothing against my Buddy, I just didn't want to be there. Can you guys see where the Enemy pulled strings to try to make me miss out on what was going to happen. But, I am a firm believer that if you say you will do something, do it. Suck it up and go. So I left, kinda cranky, showed up kinda cranky, my friends didn't show up at the time we all said and I waited around for 20 min( maybe more, maybe less but I was cranky, nonetheless). There are thousands of women. Yes. Thousands. There was so much estrogen, it was unreal. So I was unhappy, but my friends showed up, I was truly glad to see them and spend time with them, and I knew I was going to encounter Jesus (I mean I showed up barely willingly, shouldn't he show up too?), so that made me perk up a little. We started out sitting on the floor, but then this woman said, "Hey, I have an extra three seats, a friend backed out." 
Let me just say, if you are even a little bit willing (that was me, only a little bit willing at this point), Jesus will start to show up and show off. We had ridiculously awesome seats (Thanks J-man). It started, worship was good, I met with Jesus and I was glad even for the 10 minutes I was there that I came. Just to meet with Jesus and thank Him in song was enough for me. But like I said, when you let Him, He shows up and shows off. Well then they introduce the speaker. They were a little smug about it, because NOONE knew who was coming. Just thousands of chicks show up to meet with Jesus and not know the speaker. Well, they introduce Christine Caine. So, yeah, suck it devil. Christine is a person I admire. I had to answer a question at an old job like who is your role model/who do you look up to sort of question and Christine Caine was my answer. Her passion and zeal for Jesus is unreal and contagious.
So she starts talking, and I hang onto every word, because I know she is genuine, full of faith, and hears from God, and maybe, just maybe, He was going to speak to me through her.
Let me also stop right here and telling you about what's been going on inside my heart and head lately. I've felt a lack of purpose. I am in school, but now I have to wait almost a whole year before I can start nursing school, due to start dates in each school. I sit at home. I'm discouraged at doing nursing because I am already tired of driving to Birmingham twice a week. And I've said before, I don't really have anything that I'm spectacular at. Mostly, how am I going to benefit society, the Kingdom, how am I going to be fulfilled, what's my calling, many questions, doubts, and fears of not living to the fullest.

WELL guess what Chris talked about? ALL OF THAT. So as you can imagine, I'm bawling my eyes out. But my favorite part( well maybe not but I woke up thinking about it this morning) was when she was talking about how foolish do we have to be/look to follow Christ. She brought up the greats like Noah, David, Esther, etc, BUT then she threw in the story of a boy who brought is lunch up to Jesus and Jesus fed 15,000 people (the Bible says 5,000 but in those times, it was only the men who were counted. So factoring in women and children, 15,000 might even be a bit conservative). All these people came to hear Jesus, and they were hungry. And ONE little boy said, "Hey Jesus, I know it's not much, but here is my lunch. It's only five loaves, and two fish." And you know what Jesus did, He blessed it. He used it. A little boy's lunch. Come on now. Talk about encouragement. I've got a lunch I can give. 

So I am encouraged now. I am an ordinary woman, with nothing particularly special about me, and Jesus wants to use me. I have no idea in which fashion, but I am willing to say yes. Yes, Jesus, here are my five loaves and two fish. It's seemingly insignificant, but with You, oh but with You, it can feed 15,000. So that's my prayer. Hopefully some encouragement.

From the extra ordinary,

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