Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Storm is Coming

Hello everybody.

Life is starting to slow down for the Franklins. By slow down, I mean not as crazy as it was a week ago :) Still crazy, and still full of ultimate reliance on Papa (the way I like it!) I had a thought that was burning deep down in my soul Sunday night. We were on our way back from Dothan, from Z's sister's wedding. We had a ton of fun and it was beautiful. Tears were absolutely shed, and I love my new brother-in-law. He's absolutely perfect for Jessica.

Right back to my thought. (mini background Zane and I drove separately down to Dothan, because of our own special circumstances - school and wedding stuff for me, work for Zane and didn't need to be there on Thursday).

As I am in my car, I'm driving behind Zane and I realized a huge metaphor that was taking place that I chewed on for the rest of the 3.5 hour car drive. The whole trip I let Zane lead the caravan home. He set the pace. As we are about to leave Dothan, the heavens fall out. This is not some simple fun rain, it's scary rain. Lots of lightening and thunder. Winds whipping the rain around so there is no shelter anywhere if you get out of the car. Inches and inches of rain. But we couldn't stop, because we had an end destination. So Zane and I were going to weather this together, in separate vehicles. This is when I began to notice and put two and two together. Zane was leading which means he was looking out for his vehicle and it's direction and my vehicle and my direction. Making sure I was ok. All I needed to do was make sure my car was good and follow after Zane. Another thing I noticed is that we were together in the storm, weathering it together but both our circumstances were different. He was in his car with the cats, his clothes, and anything else he may have had. I was in my car, with the food, flowers, decorations, wedding dress, and my clothes. Same storm, different perspectives. I was also following, watching and learning from him, while he was leading, coming across the obstacles first. BUT it was the same storm.

I realized that was life. Storms are coming. And as husband and wife we will weather them together. Naturally because we are two individuals, what we are carrying inside of us is different. But I also realized I had a choice, do I let Zane lead and set the pace, watch out for me, and guide me, or do I blow by, thinking he's going way to slow, or thinking I got this on my own? The clouds are looming and I have to make a decision. And Zane, he leads with strength and grace and humility. As a wife, it is safer for me to go second, it will always be safer for me to go second.

The storms are inevitable, they are even beneficial. It's how I choose to react to them. And just like rainstorms, they are out of my hands. This especially paves the way for Zane to step up and take care of our tiny family, the best way he knows how. Jesus is good to give me someone as great at Zane.


1 comment:

  1. Great post Vivian! Yes, told you I occasionally check in. Glad you all are back safely! Barbara
