Sunday, February 10, 2013

Clever Title Later

Hello All,

Sorry I have been MIA for the past week or so. After my last post, I didn't have anything super harsh or whatever to share. Life in the Franklin household has been swell... I can give you a quick recap.

Last Friday - Officially Vivian Franklin.. boo yah. A nice little day trip with the husband to Roanoke. I like that city. It's the cutest smallest "Large" city I've ever seen ;).
Last Saturday - Went to Pier One and spent our gift card. If you have seen a picture/instagram of a cat mug, that's our greatest find. Zane loves that thing. Seriously. He says it's the greatest thing we have in our house. He's a cat man.
Sunday - Tried Northstar, and it was better this week. Not sure if it is home yet. Then we went to a Superbowl party at a coworker's house. ( My coworker) :) Yay Friends!
This past week - we both worked our little tushies off. Made dinner every single night. Oh and did I mention my nose has been leaking like a faucet. Ugh. Why can't I get better?
We also went to a basketball game Thursday night and this afternoon. Loving it!! Even though Virginia Tech got its butt kicked.

What we are missing out on:
The Dream Team Party
Opening of Highlands AU
Family and Friends.

Not to be a downer but that's what happens when you move to a completely new city/state, where you know absolutely noone. It's fun and hard all at the same time. Add in being Newlyweds, and sometimes you get emotional. That pretty much describes my week, and I'm sure Zane will attest. I cried a lot this week. Mostly because I'm not used to this whole marriage thing. I mean we've been married a month so shouldn't we be pros at this now. Just kidding.

But I was super discouraged this week. I had about two breakdowns at work, talking to my coworker who is married and has two awesome kids. Here was my thought, I just did 50 dishes (we don't have a dishwater) and I basically blink and there are 50 more dishes to be washed. On top of that I work late, so Zane cooks dinner and I feel like that should be my job. I get so excited about these awesome recipes I find then I don't get to cook them because I am working. And the apartment never seems to stay clean. There just seems to always be something else to do. It overwhelmed me a bit. But then I got extremely thankful. Zane likes cooking for me. He's not the one that's upset when I come home from 10hours of work and it's 8 pm and I'm exhausted and quite frankly, don't want to pick up a thing.

Let's be real.. I have taken a while to post this. I've had a lot on my mind. Okay I got back on track so that I can finish this thing....

I can't think of a better day with Zane. We swapped Valentine's Day gifts. He got me Calm My Anxious Heart. I cried :) And he got me a sweet book. And a lunch box!! hehe :) Just a lazy day. It's been nice. Still so much to do. so much laundry. always so many dishes. It's okay.

I realize how easy I had it in Birmingham. I took everything about my life in Alabama for granted. So there is that. But I know I am here for a reason. A mom came up to me this week and thanked me for bringing her daughters confidence back. She said "My daughter is herself again, now that you have been working with her." Wow. It was amazing. I went to bed confident that Zane and I are where we are supposed to be. Just one thing can set everything back in motion.

I don't even know how to end this. Nothing profound. Nothing crazy. Just plain and simple, this is where we are supposed to be.

Thanks Daddy for making it clear :)

Love you guys,

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