Wednesday, May 20, 2015

From the Mouth of Babes

Hello people,

I'm so bad at this. There has been multiple instances where I could have/ should have blogged, I just didn't. Life just got in the way.

So today, I was scrolling through a twitter feed which was just videos of children being children. I laughed a lot. I cried a little. But I sat here thinking that children are so ridiculously pure, it's wonderful. They say some of the funniest things, some of the truest things, some of the bravest things. They are fearless, most of the time. There was one video that stuck out to me, it made me smile and it made me cry, because often from the mouth of babes, Jesus speaks to our heart and soothes our soul.

This kid was about to jump in the pool but balked. He looked worried for half a second then stood up tall and proclaimed with confidence, "I am brave. I am strong. The Lord made me strong, and I am going to jump In. This. Pool." And you know what he backed up ran 3 steps and jumped in the water! He did it! And then he got out of the pool and laughed at the freedom of facing a fear.

It seriously moved me. I was crying at something so small as jumping in the pool but this kid knew who he was and what the Lord said about him. I think with everything that has been going on in life recently, I just need to stand up tall and proclaim, "I am brave. I am strong. The Lord has made me strong! And I will do this." And then jump, ready for the freedom that comes from facing my fears.


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