Friday, May 31, 2013

My God, He is Faithful

I shouldn't have to apologize for not being super faithful with writing this thing. Nothing special happens in the Burg. But some special stuff does occur every once in a while and makes me want to share. Especially the reasons in where God shows up and shows off. He is good isn't He. I can give you a bit of backstory. Please don't take this as a cry for help, or attention. This story is about how faithful God is, and how at a moment's notice, He can come and move in your heart and give you that supernatural peace, we all long for.

Here's the story:

I had a bad day yesterday. By all means it should have been fantastic. I had the day off from work, got new glasses, and had a fantastic run. But the Enemy is the destroyer of all things good and pure and wonderful. He whispers to the insecurities and has a way with words that is disgusting if you sit and think about it. So having a day. Feeling lonely, unwanted, unappreciated. Pretty much all the negative emotions a person can have. Zane left to go hang out with some guy friends and I was at home alone with the two babies (Tobias and Eloise). I went for a run, turned on Pandora, and worshiped as I ran, which is the reason I think I could have finished 3 mi and felt like I could have kept going. I finished my run with Highlands "Arise". Truly a wonderful worship song. Ate some dinner, still alone, Zane came home, we went to bed. I cried because I realized my feelings had been hurt all day, so I asked Zane if I could turn on the lamp. Mind you it's super close to midnight. But God can still speak to you when it's past your bed time, you're hurting, and need some love. Dumb on my part was waiting until midnight, but it was still a sweet embrace from my Lord, and perfect timing on His part, like always.

I went and grabbed my Bible. A verse popped into my head "If you seek me, you will find me, when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13. Well here goes nothing. Seeking Daddy, hoping I will find Him, because my weak self NEEDS HIM.

I didn't even know where to start so I just did my daily reading that I forgot to read that day. Saul becomes King. Other Saul who becomes Paul goes to Jail, saves someone, hero. Then the beautiful psalms. I read Psalm 84. Here it is, because I can not do it justice.

Psalm 84For the choir director; on the gittith; a psalm by Korah’s descendants. 

Your dwelling place is lovely, O Lord of Armies
My soul longs and yearns
    for the Lord’s courtyards.
    My whole body shouts for joy to the living God. 
 and swallows find a nest for themselves    
            There they hatch their young
                   near your altars, O Lord of Armies,
    my king and my God.
Blessed are those who live in your house.
    They are always praising you. Selah
Blessed are those who find strength in you.
    Their hearts are on the road that leads to you.[a]        
they make it a place of springs.
                The early rains cover it with blessings.[c]
Their strength grows as they go along
    until each one of them appears
    in front of God in Zion.

Lord God, commander of armies, hear my prayer.
    Open your ears, O God of Jacob. Selah
Look at our shield, O God.
    Look with favor on the face of your anointed one.
One day in your courtyards is better than a thousand anywhere else.
    I would rather stand in the entrance to my God’s house
    than live inside wicked people’s homes.
The Lord God is a sun and shield.
    The Lord grants favor and honor.
    He does not hold back any blessing
    from those who live innocently.
Lord of Armies, blessed is the person who trusts you.

Seriously. How wonderful is this passage. And if that doesn't do it, Revelation is the end of my reading for my daily readings. Let's be honest, I wasn't really expecting something to soothe me from Revelation. Mostly gloom and doom and heartbreak for my generation. What I got, I loved and fell asleep peacefully knowing that God cares about me. My future is bright with Him. He longs to love me and take care of me. He's my absolute best friend, running partner, lover, father, comforter, peace, hope, everything. 

13 One of the leaders asked me, “Who are these people wearing white robes, and where did they come from?”
14 I answered him, “Sir, you know.”
Then he told me,

“These are the people who are coming out of the terrible suffering.
    They have washed their robes
        and made them white in the blood of the lamb.
15  That is why they are in front of the throne of God.
    They serve him day and night in his temple.
        The one who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them.
16  They will never be hungry or thirsty again.
    Neither the sun nor any burning heat will ever overcome them.
17  The lamb in the center near the throne will be their shepherd.
    He will lead them to springs filled with the water of life,
        and God will wipe every tear from their eyes.”

God did that for me last night! He wiped my tears from my eyes. He loved me. he covers me. I wasn't thirsty or hungry for the things of this world, Just more of Jesus. The best part is he is willing to do that for you too. Not just when you're sad, unhappy, mad, anything, but when you are happy, filled with joy. He longs to be my Best Friend. and he is! and I am glad I will worship for all Eternity! Jesus is so good. 

"13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.

And that, my friends, is where I will leave you. Hopefully encouraging you to seek the Lord, because he is faithful in all he does. He will come and rescue you and love you and hold you. 

And He is my God, and He is faithful.

Until Next time,



Thursday, May 9, 2013

Here's a thought

I haven't blogged in a while, and you will have to excuse me for that, because well going into this my intentions were good, but I'm just bad at this. So up to date on the Franklins.

- We love our Small group. Our friends are so fun :)
- Zane's Birthday was a success! I got him his presents and we had some people over for pizza coke and quelf! It was fun!!
- Alabama was fun! We spent a lot of money, mostly on food. EeEEEP! We saw as many people as we possibly could and it was wonderful. I was homesick for a little while after.
- I'm blonde (ish)
- Zane is close to being done with his first year of grad school!
- We are getting a kitten!!! We are deciding between the names Eloise ( my favorite I think) and Mollie!
- Tobias is doing good :) Snuggly as ever.

I've just been having some thoughts recently. Mostly in response to culture. Now I'm not here to throw my opinions in your face, be all political. It's just a thought.

As a Christian, I believe the world looks to us to see how we react to, um what's the word, stunning news. And as American christians we come up short about 95% of the time. I'm almost embarrassed to say that I love Jesus, because of the horrific responses to this Jay Collins news. SO WHAT? He's gay? Honestly, I believe Jesus would be disappointed with the responses from "christians". Who did Jesus hang out with? Thieves. Adulterers. The lowly. The unwanted. The unaccepted. Who did Jesus use? Thieves. Adulterers. MURDERERS. Who are you to judge people also labeled as this, or as society says. In modern days who do you think Jesus would hang out with? You know who I think? The lonely. The abortion doctor. The lawyer who's mission in life is to rid you of your money. He chose me when I was at my worst. Something I didn't deserve. "This is how we know love: Christ died for us while we were still sinners." Romans 5:8.

Anywho. Speaking of Jesus. He's been so good to me lately.

Sorry it's all over the place. It's been a crazy week!