Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Little Bit of Sunday and Wednesday

Hi everyone.

It's kinda been awhile and I realized I haven't updated anything lately. Mostly because nothing super crazy has happened. Well my sister in law told me to keep the updates coming! So this is for you, Jessi!

Wellllll , we are LOVING our small group. The couples have been so wonderful and inviting. Zane is currently out with all the guys//husbands at a movie and something else I guess. I'm making dinner for small group and watching Bones.

Last week was Zane's Spring Break, which means all of Tech had spring break as well which means I worked way overtime last week. It was a double catch, I was very thankful to work more hours but working more when Zane was at home was frustrating. It's sometimes hard to find little moments to spend time with him, but when we find them, boy do we grab hold of them!!

Kitty T is sitting in my lap while I write this.

We met with the pastor of the church we decided to call home here. It was so interesting. First I thought it was interesting that he would meet with someone new. He was nice. The most interesting part to me was seeing the international need Blacksburg has. He was saying that there is a huge women//wives of the the international students. Hello right up my alley. It got me really excited. They also do this thing where in the summer they gather up as much furniture and stock it in a basement of the BCM, and then on one day all the international students come and claim FREE furniture and they deliver it to their apartments and move it in. Zane was all enthused about that. Then later that night, the students come back for an "American" meal. Zane was saying that he really wanted to do that.

I should let everyone know that I am finishing this like 3 days after I started. I am such a procrastinator. We also went to a bonfire with our small group friends the weekend of Tech's break. It is so nice to be invited to places. :) Other than that, not much has gone on.

Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever. I keep reminding myself that and also "Love people, hate the devil." I think it's hard for this society to really fully do that and keep in mind that our enemy is NOT people, but the devil. Also I love America and freedom of speech, so here's my tidbit. When did Facebook become so Political. It's stupid. Also people are set in their ways. A Facebook photo is not going to change the minds of the ultra conservatives or ultra liberals, it mostly just pisses people off and makes them angry and fights break out, and if you are posting them then you are contributing to that. But then again I think, I like posting my bible verses, and I hope it encourages someone, but some of my friends who don't like Jesus at all could be offended by that. I'm not going to stop posting something that is encouraging or blows my mind in a godly fashion. Here's another thought, if you don't like what someone is posting, stop following them, or unsubscribe or whatever it is from Facebook. I'm not trying to be a bossy pants right now, but if you're really that offended, just protect yourself from angry and judgement and stop following them. Who cares if your Friend count goes down. This is getting extremely political for me. So sorry. But it's relevant.

I've been thinking about future stuff:
1) why won't people stop asking me if we are having a family anytime soon. we're not. We've been married almost 3 months. Just. STOP.
2) I am thinking about college again mostly because my degree is hard to find something in and I realized I was so far into it, that it would have taken me longer to graduate if I had to start all the way over.
Here's what I am thinking:
- Nursing
-Social Work

They both are exciting and I could interact with people and serve them and love them! Social work could go along with adoption and helping with Human traffiking. Of course I can't do it now, because 2 married people in school would be difficult especially if we aren't permanent anywhere quite yet. I'm in no rush.

The weekend of April 19-21. We plan to make it down to BHAM late Thursday night and do BHAM all day Friday. Then drive to Dothan Friday night and spend time in Dothan until Saturday, and then maybe Saturday night drive to Auburn and then go to church on Sunday before driving home. We want to see as many people as possible. I'm excited to see all my friends. and family!

Um it's been snowing. Sunday/Monday we got about 5 inches. Everyone here is sick of it, but I LOVE IT!

I'm trying to think of anything else. Nope ;)

I promise I will try to be better. PROMISE.

Peace n Blessings.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Long Time Coming

This post has been a long time coming. Can I clear something up?? I AM NOT SAD. I love Virginia, I love my job, I am happy here. Would you like an update? Because that is what this post is about.

I love my job. I have the best classes. The moms of some of the girls I teach are wonderful, I feel like they are my buddies! Yay buddies :) One of the moms said that they were all rallying behind me to make me feel as comfortable as possible! What great women! I should make them cookies or something.

We are liking our small group more and more every week. They are a great group of couples :).

I have been deathly ill this week. Zane was wonderful and took care of me :). I'm back on my feet, working, and should start cleaning.

My apartment has gone to the DAWGS from being sick. Zane has been a super hero in the Engineering department. He's being crazy awesome and wonderfully smart :) I love him! I thought about taking a picture of my kitchen for you guys, buttttttttt I'd hate for that to make the internet.

Our wedding pictures came in! It's been fun! I can't wait to start printing them out and putting them up!! I did get a cd of the pictures stuck in my computer, but Batman complete dissembled and reassembled my computer. CAN YOU SAY HOTTTTT?

What else? Not much. Tobias finally likes me, I think. One only knows a little with cats.. Meow.. I'm feeling crafty and want to dye my hair so I'll end this short post. Sorry it's not long, and not informative. Not much crazyness has happenend, but I am happy :) I'm loving life.

Until something dramatic happens or a completely deep thought occurs ;),